
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3331

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: B G Cheshire

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Traffic congestion. Existing infrastructure under huge strain, especially at peak times.
Jams on all surrounding roads.
Safety concerns for road users and pedestrians. Causes frustration, loss of productivity and pollution.
Existing adverse impact of on-street parking by commuters to avoid car park charges or using public transport.
Is there up to date traffic modelling and traffic impact study.
What are the proposed access and egress routes?
What are proposed mitigation measures?
What are measures to consider side road parking and effect upon existing and future traffic flows?

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

Dear Sirs,

With reference to the above I wish to make the following comments with specific reference to traffic congestion.

If the proposed development of 100 houses occur to the playing fields on Sharmans Cross Road then the additional traffic impact loads will severely, and adversely, effect the existing infrastructure which currently is under huge strain especially at peak times.

The current status of traffic congestion and "log jam" in and around Sharmans Cross Road, Woodside Way, Streetsbrook Road and surrounding areas especially at the time of rush hour not only leads to safety concerns of road users and members of the public but also to huge frustration, loss of productivity, and pollution to the environment in this urban location. These roads and the flow of traffic are also adversely affected by people leaving their cars in side roads and then walking into Solihull to avoid car parking charges, rather than using public transport. This factor does not allow the free flow of traffic in these areas and may not be reflected in any traffic modelling analysis to date?

As a result of the above, I would request that the following questions are considered and addressed as part of this consultation process;

1. Has a detailed "traffic impact study" been undertaken to reflect the additional traffic loads that will be imposed on existing infrastructure as a result of this proposed developed?

2. What are the new access and egress routes to the proposed development and how is this to be reflected in an updated modelling analysis?

3. What measures are proposed to mitigate the above effects upon the existing infrastructure?

4. What measures are the Council taking with consideration to side road parking and its effect upon current and possible future traffic flows.

These factors are MOST IMPORTANT and are worthy of your full review and consideration during your consultation process.

I would be grateful for your response in due course.