
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3332

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Catherine Lawrence

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Only received notice from the Council on 10th February.
Traffic already impossible in local area, e.g. Dog Kennel Lane at peak times.
Loss of green space.
Impact on wildlife.
planning to widen all the roads in this area?
Are pedestrian crossings going to be put in?
How is the sewage system going to cope?
What about drainage?
Why is this area being targeted with so many homes?
A development of this size will spoil the local area.

Full text:

Allocation 13

I would like to object in the strongest possible terms to this allocation of 600 houses.
Firstly I do not appreciate a card from the council was only posted through my letterbox on Thursday February 10th, had the council only just decided on this location?
I live and work in the local area the traffic is already impossible.
Again Solihull council feel the need to wipe away any green land there is locally.
What about the wild life?
I work in Dog Kennel Lane the traffic in peak times is impossible, are the council planning to widen all the roads in this area?
Are pedestrian crossings going to be put in?
How is the sewage system going to cope?
What about drainage?
Why is this area being targeted with so many homes?
A development of this size will spoil the local area.

It's disgusting why don't you build these houses in Solihull park?

Object object object!!!