
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3341

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Victoria Linekar

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increase in traffic. Concerned for children's safety. Risk to pedestrians.
Existing traffic issues.
Sharmans Cross School is oversubscribed. Development will have major effect on school places. Will require children travelling further to school.
More traffic pollution.
Loss of sporting area.

Full text:

Objection to Sharmans Cross Road Development

I am writing to object to the plans to build 100 houses on the site of the Solihull Arden Tennis Club on Sharmans Cross Road.

As a member of the tennis club and a parent whose children walk to school via this route everyday I strongly object due to the increase in the amount of traffic and my deep concerns for children's safety. Sharmans Cross Road especially by the entrance to the Squash Club is a terrible spot for traffic issues already - I walk past this every morning on my way to Sharmans Cross School. I really think not only will there be an increase in traffic but also a risk to pedestrians.

My children go to Sharmans Cross School which is already over subscribed, this is going to have a major effect on school places and their availability with local residents having to travel even further for schools (hence more increased traffic and pollution)

Such a terrible shame that a well loved sporting area is going to taken up by more houses and the local children are going to be put at risk with the increase of traffic.
