
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3347

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Geraldine Evans

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Suffered greatly with development of Dickens Heath.
Beautiful piece of land.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of green space and enjoyment for local people.
Will exacerbate existing congestion.
Loss of Green Belt.

Full text:

Allocation 13

I wish to register my disgust at the proposal to build yet more residential properties on this much valued and beautiful part of Shirley.
We have suffered greatly with the development of Dickens Heath.
This piece of land is beautiful and is home to much valued wildlife and provides local people with a chance to walk and enjoy its peaceful surroundings.
This part of Shirley is already awash with people and cars and I fail to see how another 600 homes is going to be of any benefit to anyone apart from the developers.
Green belt means what is says and should not be ignored!