
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3355

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: William B Gibbs

Representation Summary:

Development will add to congestion hotspots on A452 and delay drivers accessing the A452. Risk of accidents will increase. Windmill Lane will become even more of a "rat run".
Site 3 scores poorly for all accessibility criteria, apart from the Primary School. Journeys to shops, medical centre and station will be by car, adding to existing congestion and parking difficulties.
Altering the boundaries surrounding existing developments on Kenilworth Road would contravene National policy, as these boundaries were regarded as permanent.
Council's assessment has overlooked Berkswell Windmill (Grade II* listed building) and Great Crested Newts.
Site 3 should be removed.

Full text:

OBJECTION to building on Site 3 - Kenilworth Rd/Windmill Lane, in Balsall Common

I am responding to the Council's plan, ref Q15, specifically to the proposal to build 200 homes on site 3, greenbelt land, when PDL site 240 'Wooton Green Lane' appears to have been overlooked by the Council.
I support BARRAGE action group's report, and comments and proposals therein.
Additionally I would add that while more, particularly affordable, housing is required in, or near to Balsall Common, that does not mean at any or unnecessary cost to the neighbourhood or the community. With detailed planning for HS2 yet to be made and revealed to us, justification for this current building plan seems mixed, muddled and plain wrong in places. As a result it also appears to be morally wrong; which I know is no legal objection but is a strong and widespread feeling of many.