
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3356

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Donald Berrow

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Loss of sports facilities. Well-used.
Increase volume of traffic onto Sharmans Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road.
Surrounding roads will be gridlocked.
Extra demand on oversubscribed schools and medical centres.
Other access routes will be danger to residents and children walking, cycling and skateboarding.
Loss of trees and greenery.
Loss of wildlife.

Full text:

Sharmans Cross Rd Development

I would like to object to the proposed building of 90 houses on the sports facilities at Sharmans Cross Road. These Sports Facilities have been used by me, my family and friends for the past 40 years since I've lived in Solihull.

The increased volume of traffic onto Sharmans Cross Rd and Streetsbrook Rd plus any roads in the vicinity will be totally gridlocked and it is busy enough now.

These houses would increase the demand on our schools and medical centres which are already at breaking point. Any other access such as Welcombe Grove would be an extreme danger to householders and to children who are walking/cycling/skateboarding down the road.

This area of Solihull is a valued space containing many trees and bushes. There are families of Greater Spotted Woodpeckers and also Green Woodpeckers which nest in this area annually and if you remove the forestation these birds will no longer have nesting sites and a place to live.

As a keen Birdwatcher and sportsman I think any development would be a disaster for this area.

Kind regards