
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3358

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Bonita Lewis

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Traffic on Sharmans Cross Road gridlocked, particularly in the morning.
Drivers go at excessive speed, and use Woodside Way as a cut-through.
Will increase traffic problem tenfold.
Put schoolchildren at greater risk.
Increase in pollution.
Need to build more schools, or increase funding to current schools. Already oversubscribed. Cannot let the current high education standards suffer.
Loss of green space.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

As a resident of the area I wish to object to the above proposal. I have just moved to the above address but have lived in the area for over 14 years. I am against this proposal because the traffic along Sharmans Cross road particularly in the morning is always gridlocked. As I walk my daughter to Sharmans Cross School, I have encountered vehicles driving at excessive speed and using Woodside Way as a cut through to try and miss out the tail back on Streetsbrook Road. This proposal of an extra 100 houses will increase the traffic problem tenfold, putting children who walk to school at greater risk and increasing pollution in the atmosphere. As a parent, I like my children to walk to school safely but more parents may be reluctant to only to increase the traffic problem by driving children to school. As the SMBC are aware there are already parking issues around Sharmans Cross, Woodlea Drive at school times, which will only increase and causing more danger.

Is SMBC going to build more schools or increase funding for current schools to expand to accommodate these extra children? These schools are already over subscribed and already struggling to deal with the increase in the population. We cannot let the current high standards of our schools suffer without there being proper investment and longterm planning to accommodate more housing.

Just to reiterate, I strongly object to this proposal being passed by SMBC in this location or any other location the affects the green space we are fortunate to have in Solihull, which is the main reason I left living in a city.