
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3362

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Raghu Devarajan

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increase in traffic will lead to significant noise and pollution, and adverse impact on residents and those walking and cycling for leisure/commute.
Increase in congestion.
Impact on road safety.
History of traffic related accidents on this stretch of road.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I have concerns that the proposed "development" will lead to significant noise and air pollution due to increase in traffic that can have adverse health effects in a residential area not only to to those in their homes but also those engaged in walking or cycling for leisure/commute.

The increase in traffic will lead to congestion to existing residents commuting to and from work. As a doctor who frequently may get called out for emergencies this will add to my travel time.

I am also concerned about road safety due to increase in traffic. I have been signatory to a campaign which highlighted the death of an elderly gentleman. He was a family friend in Solihull where previous objections to traffic handling was raised by a family member about accidents to pedestrians. In a bizarre twist of fate the same family lost a loved one leading to a an ongoing campaign for road safety.

I will be very concerned if any objections which are legitimately raised now are ignored leading to any traffic related accidents on this stretch of the road due to what will be a marked increase in traffic