
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3364

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Teresa Freville

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Past planning application been refused.
Schools and medical centres oversubscribed.
Loss of TPOs. Loss of green character. Loss of wildlife.
Loss of sporting facilities. Shortage of pitches in the area. Understand Council has a responsibility to ensure lost pitches are replaced with facilities of equivalent quality and accessibility.
Traffic on Sharmans Cross Road already gridlocked every morning.
Increase journey times by 6 times already.
Parking issues.
Dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. Will get worse.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Sharmans cross road

I am writing to strongly object about the proposed houses on the old rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road. The plans have been rejected in the past and here are my reasons why they should be rejected once again:

The schools and medical centres in the immediate area are both extremely oversubscribed. If you were to allow 100 more families onto the road this would lead to a degradation in services for us local residents.

Furthermore, this area of Solihull is highly valued for its environmental benefits. We have many mature trees with preservation orders and I'm worried that any development would destroy this space which we enjoy on a daily basis. I am deeply worried as to what will happen to all the wildlife in the area including badgers and bats that reside in this open area.

Solihull needs to keep these sporting facilities. There is a shortage of sports pitches in the area and I understand the council has a responsibility to ensure lost pitches are replaced with facilities of equivalent quality and accessibility.

The traffic on Sharmans Cross Road is already grid locked every morning. Cars queue all the way from one end of the road to the other meaning journey times are increased by a factor of 6. I.e. It takes 6 times longer to get out of Sharmans Cross Road than it would do when there is no traffic around. Adding 100 more houses to this will simply make matters much worse. How and where the traffic is meant to go getting out of the new development? It will take a very long time to get anywhere.

The road is already full of parked cars every day because of the school and medical centre and other sporting facilities - it will be very dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists to travel down this road with even more parked cars in the area.

Therefore I ask you that you do not allow this proposal to go ahead. We do not want it.