
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3387

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Surinder Jassal

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Overdevelopment of site. Will change character of area. Loss of leafy green appearance.
Increase flood risk.
Land safeguarded for sports use. Policy should be reaffirmed.
Increase in traffic volume, already busy road and hazardous to schoolchildren.
Parking will get worse.
Loss of wildlife.
More pressure on oversubscribed schools and medical centres.
Loss of sporting facilities.
Site not accessible, i.e. not within walking distance of town centre or train station.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please accept this e-mail as an objection to the proposed plan for building houses at the rugby ground site on Sharmans Cross Road.

- The character and appearance of the said neighborhood will change forever, not to mention the increase in traffic and pollution on Sharmans Cross Road which will increase significantly if the suggested number of properties are built in such a small space.

- Sharmans Cross Road has been subjected to flooding when rain has been heavy so over developing here will only add to this existing issue.

- The Solihull council stated in 2013 that the grounds were to be used for sports only. This policy should be reaffirmed and any such development is NOT appropriate for inclusion in the local development plan.

- The traffic volume will increase which will cause further disruption to an already busy road and pose hazardous for children that attend Sharmans Cross Junior School. Parking will become more difficult if residents park on the streets and in front of other resident homes which is already a current problem.

- Solihull's green and leafy areas are under threat from these big building projects and not forgetting the wildlife that will be endangered also.

- Nearby Schools and medical centres are already oversubscribed in the local vicinity so further development will only put more strain on the services.

- Sporting facilities in the area will be lost for the local residents.

- The site will not be within walking distance to Solihull town centre or Solihull train station as stated which breaches policy of having local amenities within an 800m distance.

The development is far from benefiting this area and the council should take heed of this warning from local residents rather than the developers and reject this proposal outright.

Yours faithfully