
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3389

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Heidi Williams

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Existing traffic and road safety issues on busy Bills Lane, Haslucks Green Road etc. Especially for children walking to school.
Local park been reduced and not suitable for walking a dog off the lead.
Loss of countryside.
Loss of green space.
Loss of character.
Coalescence with Dickens Heath and Majors green.
Loss of wildlife.
Additional pressure on oversubscribed schools, GPs and hospitals.
Detrimental impact on quality of life of existing community.

Full text:

Allocation 13

s a resident in Shirley I'm shocked and concerned about the amount of houses you are proposing to build on green belt.
Both my child walk to lighthall everyday confronted with an extremely large volume of traffic and the dangers of crossing bills lane, Haslucks green road ( rat run) and other roads. With the proposed houses i can't imagine what the roads will be like around those areas.
The local park has been reduced and is not really suitable for safe walking of a dog off lead and now more countryside and public land is going to be lost!!
I'm regular walker on the bridle way canal and the fields by woods farm were the proposed 600 houses are to be built. While walking there you could be in the middle of the countryside which is part of what Solihull is known for. The motto of Solihull is Urbs in Rure (Town in Country).
That will need to be changed !!!
Dickens Heath will be joined to Shirley as will majors green!!!

In 2013 voted the best place to live - again this will be the last time Solihull wins that- not only is it facilities its the closeness of the beautiful countryside that attracts people to live in Shirley.
The wildlife needs to be preserved for future generations to be able to hear the woodpeckers and see the other wildlife so close to your house is again one of the reason people love Shirley.
How come all the allocation for houses is in Shirley ?
Gps schools hospitals are already over stretched due to the increase in population will you be providing more money for them ? - especially our poorly funded schools that have to rely on parents raising money for sometimes normal things that the school can't afford!!
Please think carefully about our wildlife, children and public safety and the quality of life of the people that already live in Shirley.

I understand more houses need to be built but not on GREEN BELT - protect our green belt.
From a very concerned resident.