
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3390

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Pamela Cheshire

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Exacerbate existing high volume of traffic.
Long traffic queues on Streetsbrook Road and Sharmans Cross Road at peak times.
Junction of Dorchester Road/Streetsbrook Road is particularly dangerous.
Consider safety of schoolchildren walking to school.
Parents dropping children off are partially blocked by parked cars.
On-street parking issues caused by people parking car in area and walking to station or town centre.
Additional pressure on oversubscribed schools and doctors surgeries.
Land should be retained for sport or leisure activities.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to strongly object to the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road. There is already a high volume of traffic in this area which would only be exacerbated by more housing. At peak times there are long traffic queues on Streetsbrook Road and Sharmans Cross Road. The junction where Dorchester Road joins Streetsbrook Road is particularly dangerous and increased traffic volume will make this even more hazardous. There is also the safety of children attending Sharmans Cross School to consider. When parents are dropping children off at school the road is partially blocked by parked cars, as are adjoining side roads. We also have the additional problem of people parking along side roads in this area rather than pay to park in Solihull Town Centre or at the railway station.

Additional housing would also create problems in terms of schools and doctors surgeries in the area which are already oversubscribed.

I feel this land should be kept as an open space to be used for sport or leisure activities which would be of greater benefit to the existing community.

Yours faithfully,