
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3393

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Miss Hannah Voogd

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Overdevelopment of site, density too high. Out of keeping with surrounding area.
Adverse impact on green and leafy character.
Proposal for significant affordable housing is inconsistent with streetscene.
Will detract from desirability of the area.
Street parking already unacceptable to pedestrians and road users alike.
Roads used as overspill car park for commuters using Solihull train station.
Reducing parking facilities at Arden Club will add pressure.
Proposed entrance is unsuitable.
Loss of sporting facility in accessible location.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

Dear Sir/Madam
I wish to register my objection to the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby and tennis ground on Sharmans Cross Road.

I object for the following reasons:
1 proposed suitability
2 increased street parking
3 loss of public amenity

I have lived in Solihull all of my life. The proposed development is entirely out of keeping with the vicinity. The density of housing is incompatible with the rest of the area and such a cramped development will detract from our green and leafy Solihull. The proposal for significant affordable housing is also inconsistent with the street scene and social environment and will detract from the desirability of the area.

The street parking in the area is already causing unacceptable risks to pedestrians and road users alike. I know because our cul-de-sac is often used as an overspill car park for commuters who use Solihull train station one mile away. Proposing such a density of housing and reducing car parking facilities for the tennis club will drive even more parking onto the streets surrounding the development. The proposed entrance to the site is at a point in the road which is on a hill and at a narrow gauge.

We have many vibrant sporting clubs who could use the land as intended by the covenant. To lose yet another accessible local facility would be to the detriment of the residents and the prospective residents if the proposal were to succeed.