
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3398

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Wayne Taylor

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of well-used green space.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of countryside.
Loss of character.
Suggest Site 13 is turned into a community park.

Full text:

Re allocation 13

To who it may concern

I am writing to you with my objections to you building on the beautiful land that is allocation 13.
Me and my family use this often and are devastated at the thought of loosing it.
We have had so many happy times here and hoped for many more.
There is too much nature here and beauty to concrete over.

We moved here in 2010 to appreciate the rural Solihull and feel that all this will disappear.

I suggest that allocation 13 be turned into a community park managed by the community linking Shirley, Dickens Heath and Cheswick Green.

Yours faithfully