
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3400

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr C J Voogd

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Out of character with local area.
High density will conflict with traditional housing plots, mature trees, green surrounds and provision of recreational space close to residential areas.
50 affordable homes is inconsistent with nature of the surrounding properties.
Will result in higher storey blocks of flats.
Pressure on roads, schools, hospitals and clinics.
Increase to street parking which is already an inconvenience, and danger to children, infirm and cyclists.
Detrimental impact on visual amenity.
Loss of 'Urbs in rure' character.
Loss of sporting facilities.
Will make Solihull a less desirable place to live.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Dear Sir/Madam

I object strongly to the proposed development of some 100 dwellings on the site of my old rugby club on Sharmans Cross Road.

Suitability and lack of fit
Solihull is a popular residential town. A key reason for remaining so popular has been the attractiveness of the sensibly laid out traditional housing plots, its mature trees and green surrounds and its provision of recreational space close to residential areas. The claims that this is a suitable development make no sense. The proposed density is several times higher that the housing that surrounds this neighbourhood. The proposal to have some 50 affordable homes is also inconsistent with the nature of the properties in the surrounding streets.

Pressure on public amenity
The introduction of such a dense development will introduce a significant increase in pressure on our roads, schools hospitals/clinics. The increase in street parking is already causing inconvenience to other residents and frankly it is increasing the danger to children and the infirm who use the pavements and to cyclists who play roulette when passing stationery cars. Add to that the detrimental impact on our visual amenity as a popular place for recreation (not just rugby but also dog-walkers, joggers, etc) is replaced with a skyline of higher storey blocks of flats and this development makes no sense.

"Urbs in rure" - Stick to the Policy
When learning Latin in school we were reminded of the Council's motto - a 'town in the country'. I also am reminded of the Council's policy from 2013 that the site would not be sold and would continue to be available for recreational use. What has changed that would lead the planners to breach their own policy from only 3 years ago and also to go completely against what Solihull stands for. By removing our green spaces and increasing the dwelling density, the development runs counter to the essence of what makes Solihull such a great place to live.

Yours sincerely