
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3405

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Ann Panaser

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Further increase to traffic pollution and congestion at both ends of Sharmans Cross Road.
Congestion at peak hours.
Black soot on plants and shrubs in front garden from traffic pollution.
Will result in overcrowding, environmental and noise pollution, parking problems etc. More neighbour disputes.
Oversubscribed GPs.
How will local amenities cope with added population?

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I would like to object to the proposed new development on the rugby ground, off Sharmans Cross Road.

I am extremely concerned about the further increase in traffic pollution and congestion at both ends of Sharmans Cross Road. I live at the Streetsbrook Road end of Shatmans across.

Every morning and evening there is a horrendous back log of traffic at both ends of the road. I always have to turn left out of my drive and have to make detour to get to work because there is such a big delay when attempting to drive out on to Streetsbrook Road due to the build up of traffic.

There is black soot on the plants and shrubs in the front garden from the pollution deposited by the build up of traffic. This will only increase with more houses built in the road.

Please also think of the amount of people that will be populating one relatively small area. Problems arise with overcrowding, environmental pollution, noise pollution, problems with people parking etc. All resulting in neighbour disputes and conflict which may have you dealt with by local Authority. It is already nearly impossible to get a GP appointment. How will local amenities cope with additional numbers of residents.

I would be grateful if you could take my comments in to consideration when making your decision.

Yours sincerely