
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3406

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs K A Voogd

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Out of keeping with local character of area. High density of housing and apartment blocks.
Loss of trees and greenery.
Increase danger to residents from on-street parking on Sharmans Cross Road and surrounds.
Loss of wildlife.
Will increase flood risk in area.
Increased pollution.
Increase in cars.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I write to notify you of my objection to this proposed plan to build 100 houses on the Sharmans Cross Road rugby ground.

I moved from Wales to live in Solihull 26 years ago. I always remember the huge impact that the lovely trees and hedges had on me, and my family whenever they visited me. I have lived on Sharmans Cross Road for seven years before moving round the corner. I do not see how the proposed development is in keeping with the local houses. It will erode the feel and look of the environment to have such dense housing and blocks of apartments. It will increase the danger to residents through increased on-street parking on Sharmans Cross Road and the roads and cul-de-sacs in the surrounding vicinity. The development is simply not suitable for an area and plot such as the rugby ground.

The damage to the local trees and wildlife will be inevitable notwithstanding the sometimes spurious claims of planners and developers. in addition, the Sharmans Cross Road area is already susceptible to flooding and a development of this size in such a small place will lead to further rainwater flooding. And the increase in the use of cars by the new occupiers will add to the pollution in the area thereby creating additional invisible dangers to all but especially our children and the elderly, of which we are blessed with any in the area.

The development is not suitable. The development is not a sustainable one. The development will increase the danger to residents.

Yours sincerely