
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3408

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Esme Thompson

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of green space. Minimal green space left in Shirley. Obesity levels on the rise; removal of this area poses risk to people's health and wellbeing.
Loss of wildlife.
Consider community impact.

Full text:

Allocation 13
To whom it may concern

On behalf of me and my family who have lived in the borough for many years I would like to raise an objection to allocation 13.

As I am sure you are aware obesity levels are on the rise and according to recent statistics obesity levels have increased over the last decade, meaning we are the fourth highest county recognized for obesity (House of Commons Briefing paper 2017). Shirley, due to new developments has minimal green space left so, by taking this away you're not helping make a change to the risks posed to peoples health and well being, that have just been shown to be on the rise.
As well as being home to pastoral grassland ,marshland ,streams drainage ditches hedgerows ,ancient trees ,endangered species including aquatic life such as newts ,birds such as cuckoo wildlife such as water voles will all be eradicated.

What may seem to you as a small piece of land, that has the potential of being developed, is a lot more to the surrounding community. Green land around that area is quickly diminishing which is a shame thinking back to what it was and thinking about what the future holds for the community.