
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3409

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Jewitt

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Will add to existing traffic congestion. Impact of construction traffic.
Will exacerbate existing parking issues.
Flood risk and drainage issues.
Oversubscribed schools, doctors, dentists and hospitals.
NPPF requires development to have access to local amenities within 800m/10 mins walk. Development not meet these criteria.
Loss of sporting facilities. Existing shortage.

Full text:

Objection To LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18

With regards to the above Housing project, I would like to object to this proposed planning application

My reasons for the objection are as follows:

I live on the road, and the traffic is dreadful, so to add another 100 houses on the land seems ridiculous, that would mean a possible 150+ cars on the estate, the traffic is so congested now, even on an evening the road is very congested, and what about all the construction traffic to build the properties.

The parking is already dreadful, and i do believe the way that estate is being built, there would not be enough space for all the cars, there would be an overflow of parked cars on Sharmans Cross Road, which is already a very dangerous road, I have written to my local Conservative MP Julian Knight already about this problem.

There is a terrible problem with drains and flooding on Sharmans Cross Road, so to build another 100 houses would only add to the problem!

Again my main concern is with schooling, we already struggle to get our children into the schools in the area, so to add another 100 houses how on earth do you propose to place the children that are moving into to area into schools? Are there any plans to extend the schools in the area or to build new ones for all the proposed building works?

The hospitals and doctors, and dentists are already over subscribed in the area, so again how do you propose getting over this problem?

It is also a requirement that The National Planning Policy Framework requirements developments to have access to local amenities within 800m/10 minutes walk away, but the site it 1700m from Solihull Town Centre and 1000m from the station, so i do believe this is not being met.

Also there is a shortage of sports facilities, SMBC has a statutory requirement to ensure lost pitches are replaced with facilities of equivalent quality and accessibility? Again i do not feel that SMBC is meeting this requirement.

Kind Regards