
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3419

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Marianne Fogarty

Representation Summary:

Site 12 Objection.

Loss of green belt.
Disproportionate amount of housing, 41%, of new development in Shirley South area.
Traffic increased significantly since last development in Dickens Heath were built out.

Full text:

I have received a leaflet asking me to comment upon the proposed housing on 'green belt' land around Shirley/Whitlocks End.

I am aware that Solihull Council have targets set by central government which you have to meet but as realistic as I am I cannot help thinking that 41% of your target being proposed adjacent to existing conurbations is rather too many. You can have no understanding of the increased traffic we have experienced since the last tranche of houses were built in Dicken's Heath and where I live, on Haslucks Green Road (514) which seems to be the centre of road closures, we have experienced months of disruption at the Green Lane Junction. With the next total road closure to start Monday 20th February to 28th April we will experience the kind of horror that your proposal will virtually make a permanent feature. It would have been interesting had you had some alternatives or indeed considered spreading the load out across the borough. Brueton Park perhaps?