
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3421

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Patrick Wells

Representation Summary:

Site 8 Objection.

Loss of Green Belt.
High density developments.
Loss of last remaining green areas in the Village.
Knowle will become satellite dormitory town to Solihull.
Traffic problems will increase.
Government policy is that incursions in the green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances. Not yet reached that situation.
Unimplemented planning permissions for 700,000 dwellings in the country.
Should compel housebuilders to complete these first.
Not considered impact on local community.

Full text:

I refer to the draft SDLP and especially as it relates to the Knowle area. I have been a Knowle resident for 58 years.

Practically all of the land proposed by the plan for residential development and it is likely to be high density development currently has , so I understand, green belt status. I refer to the Warwick Road/Station Road/Grove Road triangle and the football/cricket grounds in Hampton Road. These areas are with the exception of the park, the remaining green areas in the village.

If these areas suffer high density development Knowle will have become a satellite dormitory town to Solihull and no longer the village that residents find so attractive. Traffic problems could become considerable. A recent statement by the relevant government minister confirmed that incursions into the green belt would not be acceptable other than in exceptional circumstances. We have not, I believe, reached this situation. It has been widely reported that planning approval already exists for700,000 housing units countrywide. The house builders should be compelled to utilise these approvals in full and meaningfully within 18 months of the granting of permission on pain of annulment of the approval.

The suggested proposal from Arden academy that the school should be demolished (and the school relocated) to provide land for more housing is preposterous at a time of enforced austerity given that there has been very substantial investment in the school in recent years. This investment must run into many millions of pounds of tax payers money (our money). If there is a problem with numbers the school catchment area should be restricted to the Knowle and Dorridge wards. A local school for local children.

The draft plan has taken the easy option with scant regard for the existing residents of Knowle.