
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3438

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Andrew & Fiona Gilyead

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Contrary to the green nature of Solihull/damaging to the character of the area
Inappropriate land use/loss of sporting facilities
Increased traffic volumes
Capacity of local services, e.g. schools

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

We write to express our objections to the proposals contained within the Solihull Local Development Plan for the development of 100 homes on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road.

There are a range of reasons why we are of the view that the development proposal is unsuitable.

1. Contrary to the green nature of Solihull/damaging to the character of the area

An essential part of Solihull's character is the interspersing of green spaces and residential streets. This mix of copses, parkland, sporting facilities and residential streets is the defining feature of the local area and one of the main reasons that Solihull is such an attractive place to live and work. In-filling the existing sports grounds at Sharmans Cross Road will destroy an essential part of this patchwork of green space.

In addition, the scale of the proposed development in comparison to the land available would produce a density of property and population quite at odds with the surrounding streets.

2. Inappropriate land use/loss of sporting facilities

A feature of the Solihull LDP is the loss of sporting facilities across the borough in favour of residential development. This produces a doubly negative impact. Not only are the sports facilities lost to the existing population but the proposed developments will significantly increase the size of the local population and therefore the demand for sports and recreational facilities. The proposed loss of sports facilities is both short sighted and contrary to Solihull MBC's legal duty to address the existing shortage of facilities. According to Sport England, Solihull is in the third quartile nationally for adult participation in sport and the proposed development will do nothing to improve this.

Specifically, some of the land at Sharmans Cross Road that is earmarked for development is presently owned by SMBC under a covenant that it is to be used solely for sporting facilities. The Council has a well-documented policy commitment to maintain the freehold of the land owned at Sharmans Cross and to use the land only for sport. The proposed development is fundamentally incompatible with the usage covenant and the Council's policy position.

3. Increased traffic volumes

Should the land at Sharmans Cross Road be developed as proposed with 100 dwellings, the impact upon local traffic flows will be significant, particularly during the morning and afternoon peaks. The junction of Sharmans Cross Road, Streetsbrook Road, Dorchester Road and Stonor Park Road is already a source of congestion, the proposed development will make matters worse.

At present the Council is planning to add a yellow line parking restriction in much of Woodlea Drive due to traffic and parking issues created at school drop off and pick up times around Sharmans Cross Junior School. An increase in traffic caused by the proposed development will only exacerbate this problem further.

4. Capacity of local services

The demand for places at local schools already exceeds supply and the addition of another 100 homes will add further pressure on schools and other service provision.

We trust that you will take these objections into account in considering the housing aspects of the LDP and any related planning application.

Yours faithfully