
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3440

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Janet Holden

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increase in traffic and air and noise pollution.
Existing high levels of congestion at peak times.
Development will be out of character and proportion with surrounding area.
Negative impact on local community due to overdevelopment, congestion and pressure on services.
Council should retain sporting use on site.
Understand that current freeholders are proposing unreasonable rent rates.
Loss of open space.
Loss of trees, greenery.
Oversubscribed medical services.

Full text:

RE Proposed development Sharmans Cross Rd

I am writing to express my concerns and objection to the above proposed development.
A big concern is that clearly, if these proposals go ahead, there will be significantly more traffic in the area, increasing both air and noise pollution. You must be aware that in the mornings and late afternoon to evening Danford Lane, Sharmans Cross Road and the junctions at either end are almost at a gridlock. Traffic sits on these roads and any additional which would most certainly come from the proposed development, will create terrible pollution, stress, danger and frustration to the existing community in the area.
I live close to the proposed development, and suffer with asthma, I fear my condition will worsen given the scale of the proposals .
Furthermore a development of this size will be both out of proportion and out of character with the immediate area. It is not a large enough area to safely build 100 houses on. The stress and frustration created by the density of the proposal will badly affect the local community. Surely we should be enhancing the beauty of the area, its trees, greenery, and space not building what will inevitably become a concrete housing estate . I strongly feel that the council should honour the purpose for which this land has been dedicated - sports - and not just tennis - especially as the Lucas sports ground has now been built on, the Sharmans Cross Senior School has been built on. I also understand that the current freeholders have been proposing an unreasonable rent for enquirers wishing to use the area for the purpose for which it is designated i.e. sports. We need our open spaces.
Finally being a pensioner I rely heavily on the health services in the area. I have had to wait up to six weeks for an appointment at a local medical centre. Clearly they are severely stretched and these proposals will serve only to make matters worse. This is also a great concern to me and my family.
I hope you will consider these proposals carefully and that you will recongise that they are inappropriate to the area.
Thanking for your consideration.
I await your response.