
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3441

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Miss Tessa Hartles

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of Green Belt.
Loss of green space for recreation and children's play.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of countryside view.
Additional pollution.
Add to existing congestion.
Devalue our homes.

Full text:


I object to site allocation 13 being used for anything other than green belt. I have lived in my house on Baxters Road for 35 years and it was bad enough you took away our playground we had for all the children to play in, people moan that children should play out more as they are getting obese and lazy and take notice of the environment around them and here you are taking the community's green belt away from us. We should protect our green spaces for future generations to experience and all the wildlife that lives there from frog's to wild rabbits, foxes and all the birds especially the beautiful owls and wood peckers. My family choose all them years ago to live here where we have to walk to our house as there is no road just grass and tree's to the front, side and rear in a peaceful location where I played as a child and I bought my children up here and I now play with my Granddaughter here so building here would change our whole way of life for the worse not only to our health with all the extra pollution from already busy roads plus the new roads you'd have to build next to our houses, plus this would devalue our homes and for some of us we couldn't afford to move to a place like this with all the open space where we feel safe and secure and don't worry about the kids playing on the green as no cars can drive near them and we can walk the dog as a family.