
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3442

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs P Goodban

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Out of scale and character of surrounding area. High density development will cause loss of light and privacy. Increase in noise and pollution.
Loss of open space.
Loss of wildlife.
Impact on trees.
Should retain historical covenant on land for sport use.
Increase flood risk.
Increase traffic on busy roads. Increase hazards to road users, particularly walking children to school.
Many road accidents at Sharman Cross/Streetsbrook Road junction.
Local infrastructure cannot cope with more traffic, sewage, flooding, hazards.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am a resident of Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull and am writing to object strongly to the above proposal for the following reasons:

1 - The proposed development will be overbearing, out of scale and out of character with the established properties in the area. High density development of two to three storey buildings will greatly increase noise and pollution, and significantly reduce light and privacy for existing residents.

2 - The proposed area is not wasteland for development but valuable open space which is used and enjoyed by local residents and wildlife alike. Badgers and bats reside there and we have a woodpecker (protected by The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981) frequently clinging to the tree trunks in this area. The proposed development would impact on the root system and crown spread of the trees which would be detrimental to the local wildlife and ecosystem.

3 - There exists an historical covenant to ensure this area of land is used only for sport and this should remain as agreed.

4 - The proposed development will bring a huge area of hard surface which prevents water/rainfall soaking into the ground in an area already prone to flooding due to heavy rainfall, causing greater hazards and difficulties to residents.

5 - The development will inevitably bring an increase in traffic turning on to a road which is already heavily used especially at peak times often causing tailbacks heading into Solihull.

6 - In addition to the above point, the road is congested at school times, morning and afternoon, with families parking to walk to the Junior school. This means the road width becomes significantly reduced, presenting hazards and restricted right of way. Greater volume of traffic will increase these dangers leading to accidents.

7 - The junction at Streetsbrook Road/ Sharmans Cross Road/ Stonor Park Road & Dorchester Road has been the site of many road accidents. Greater volume of traffic will increase the likelihood of accidents occurring.

8 - The safety of pedestrians will be jeopardised due to increased parking, moving vehicles, bus drop off & pick ups and no designated area to cross roads safely.

The local infrastructure cannot take more traffic, more sewage, more flooding, more danger hazards, any development.