
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3444

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Paul J Dufrane

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Understand need for new housing.
41% of new housing on Green Belt area south of Shirley.
Should develop more suitable sites, including brownfield.
Object to high density housing here.
Road network cannot support this number of homes.
Loss of open space for recreation, exercise and health & wellbeing.
Will impact on community spirit in area.
Not unused waste land.

Full text:


I wish to register my concern regarding the proposed housing development in this area. The current proposal is to saturate this green belt area with 41% of Solihull's new housing when there are other more suitable sites including brown field sites that we have a moral duty to transform. Another interesting exerciser is to superimpose onto overall plan the home addresses given by the members on the planning committee , no hi density housing here !! While I understand the need for new houses and except that it has to happen.
HS2 is given as one of the reasons for new housing but the road network cannot support this number of houses from this site.
The well being of the community is my prime concern.
Obesity is of great concern to the nation health service, this open space is used by many dog walkers, joggers, ramblers and cyclists, a community spirit has developed in this open space with people stopping to chat and socialise, this is not unused waste land and if it has to be developed it must be done with sympathy with the old and new community in mind.