
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3445

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr David Smith

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Loss of sporting facilities. Need to encourage healthy lifestyles.
Lack of playing pitches in Solihull.
Land should be retained for sporting use.

Full text:

Local Housing Development Plan - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I would like to register my objections to the proposed development on the former Solihull Rugby Club ground.
In the time I have lived in the area I can remember Saturday mornings with large numbers of young boys and girls playing tag rugby at the club, my son and daughter included. There have been children of all ages and adults taking part. We are constantly reminded that as a society we are not doing enough to encourage our children and adults to take regular exercise, to participate in sport and generally lead healthy lifestyles. We should see these fields as an opportunity to invest in our children, but instead we propose this further cull on our available facilities.
There are already far too few playing pitches available. For an area as obviously affluent as Solihull, we should be able to afford to lead by example and improve sporting facilities not build on them. We are already not doing enough and so we should see this as an opportunity to do better. Where can this logically end other than the day when there are literally no local facilities remaining within the town: no walking to watch a game, no walking to take part in evening training sessions or to take part in games.
On a separate note, whilst I know better than to include an emotional aspect, I feel it is a political travesty that the council are in the position of being held to ransom by a building company because of the terms of an ill thought through lease. We the people, through you the council, should take the land back and bring it back into sports use as originally intended. It should not be allowed to remain unused and it should not be built on.

Finally I would like to thank you for the chance to put forward our views