
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3446

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Chris Smith

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Loss of sporting facilities.
Loss of opportunity for children's play.
Need to protect our open spaces.

Full text:

Local Housing Development Plan - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I have lived in Winterbourne Road for all but 2 of my 23 years. I have been lucky enough to have enjoyed lots of sports as I have grown up. I have played for local football teams, I have enjoyed tennis at Solihull Arden Club and while the Rugby Club were running locally, I was part of groups that played tag rugby from Sharmans Cross Junior School. In the light nights me and friends living around the area, met up at the pitches after school, put down our jumpers as the saying goes and had our own games of football. It was close enough for everyone to walk to and it was safe.
I don't agree that these pitches should now be built on. In the future where will local children be able to play? You can't 'keep' getting rid of pitches because there is no way in the future that someone will think it a good idea to tear down houses in order to create playing fields. So the only way to make sure that there are local pitches for use in the future is to protect those that we have. Please don't build on them, bring them back into use and make an effort to get as many people as possible using them.