
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3447

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Martin & Debbie Doyle

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of green space for recreation.
Loss of wildlife.
Unfair allocation in this part of Borough.
Will join up Dickens Heath with Shirley.
Impact on local character.
Increase in air pollution, further exacerbate transport issues, put strain on existing services.
Should development not be closer to HS2 to prevent additional congestion on M42.

Full text:

# Allocation 13 objection

I wish to register my objection to 'Allocation 13' of the council's Local Development Plan.

I have lived in Lillington Road, Shirley since 1989 and enjoy the fields and natural space that is covered by 'Allocation 13' on an almost daily basis, as do many other people. This open space and community resource is an essential breathing space for people and even more so for 'nature' as it is being squeezed from all sides.

I appreciate that considerations for non-human animals and nature in general don't constitute an official reason for objection, but I must put my views across and be a voice for the voiceless who don't pay council tax or are registered in the borough.

I also feel that this area is being given an unfair allocation of housing for the borough. I've always considered that Shirley Heath was the 'edge' of Shirley and that a green space should be left between here to retain the rural feel. The developmeant of Allocation 13 practically joins Shirley up with Dickens Heath, which itself now nearly joins Tidbury Green - where is space for nature in this?

I believe that building here would substantially alter the character of the area and would be incredibly detrimental in many ways.

On a more practical level, a further increase in the number of people in this area would cause further transport issues, increasing air pollution and adding to the strain of existing services.

I understand that some of the requirement for additional housing is as a result of the proposed HS2 station in the north of the borough. Surely if there has to be development, it should be nearer to this area which would in turn not add quite so much to congestion on the already over-used M42.

I sincerely hope you will consider not adding Allocation 13 to the LDP for the benefit of the people of this area, for the benefit of nature, for the benefit of the character of the area and future generations.