
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3471

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs J Wort

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Description of site in Appendix C is misleading. Large area of allocation is Arden Tennis Club which is not unused.
Loss of tennis club would be detrimental to local community. Other facilities are well-used.
No other similar facility locally.
Loss of accessible sports pitches in a residential area.
Impact on oversubscribed schools.
Allocation is premature, should be considered as part of a planning application.

Full text:

Re: Proposed Housing Allocation 18 - Land off Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull

My concerns about the above allocation are as follows:

- The description of the site in Appendix C of the Review is very misleading. It describes the site as a 'sports ground' and that the 'sports ground is currently unused' . However, a large area of the allocation is the Arden Tennis Club which is very well used by the local community.

- Loss of the tennis club would be detrimental to the local community. There is tennis/squash, the gym, yoga and also an excellent function room used for social functions and hired to children's groups in the area. I appreciate not having to use the car and be able to walk to such a facility with my children. My son is a member of the club and regularly plays tennis and my daughter has been attending rhythm time. There is no other similar facility locally.

- Loss of accessible sports pitches in a residential area. Whilst the former rugby site is currently unused I would like to see evidence that it has been marketed to potential users?

- Impact on local schools. Sharmans Cross Junior School which is full to capacity and is in desperate need of resources. Blossomfield school is already, I understand, increasing the intake to extend to four classes per year.

- Any proposals for this site should be considered as part of an outline or full planning application for the site when all issues can be properly addressed. To simply allocate the site with the Local Plan is premature and could be detrimental to the local area and community.