
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3490

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Terry & Tracey Hughes

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection & attached photo.

Loss of green space for recreation and community benefit.
Loss of wildlife.
Propose site as a community managed nature reserve. Would be fantastic for community relations and help bees and butterflies if convert fields to wildflower meadows.

Full text:

addendum to site 13 objection
I would like to add a proposal to my objection on your proposed development of site 13 Shirley.
Site 13 as you are probably already aware is a very much loved area by Shirley residents with its peaceful bridal way's walks pools woodland and fields. Shirley residents have been using this area for peaceful recreation for generations.
After speaking with many local residents we would like to propose to Solihull council planning that you would consider letting Shirley residents develop site 13 as a community managed nature reserve.
Shirley residents have many skilled and experienced people in our ranks who we believe could develop this area into a jewel of a nature reserve in Solihull borough that could involve the whole community of all ages and back grounds .Not only would this be fantastic for community health and relations it would also benefit the Butterfly and Bee population if we restore the fields to wildflower meadow land which can be done and this would have a fantastic knock on effect for wildlife and I am sure it would put Solihull on the map. Site 13 has the perfect ingredients of wet low marshland with small river and pools with an inclining field system surrounded by drainage streams pools and glade woodland. Its open elevation to round the clock sunlight is perfect to re create wildflower meadowland.
I am sure this would work and even become a visitor attraction. As I have probably mentioned before the site does have a thriving Hedgehog population with various species of owls and bats and abundant bird life which includes gold crests bullfinches herons woodpeckers cukoos sparrow hawks and kesterels.and Muntjac Deer.
I have attached a photo of some restored meadow land to give you an idea of what we are proposing.
I hope you can give this proposal some serious thought as the benefits of this idea are immense for the borough.