
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3498

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Carolyn Ostler

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increased traffic and road safety issues.
Additional pressure for local amenities, including schools, medical centres, waste collection.
Loss of parking.
Can local bus services cope?
Loss of sporting facilities.
Loss of green space.
Loss of wildlife.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to object to the proposed development for 100 houses on the Rugby ground off Sharmans Cross Road.
My objections are:-
Increased traffic and safety issues:-
100 houses would result in many more cars - given most households in Solihull have one or two cars - 100 plus cars. Sharmans Cross Road is already very congested at peak times with problems caused by the volume of traffic by the Junior School; cars parking on Sharmans Cross Road to drop/pick up children, the Lollypop person and children crossing, cars coming out of side roads and turning round after dropping/picking up.
More cars would be a considerable safety issue for car drivers and children.
If you travel towards Solihull then the junction of Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road is also congested and dangerous.
More cars would cause more tailbacks and coming out of the proposed development would be very difficult especially as it is situated where cars are backed up to at peak time.
Local Shops - Prospect Lane Shops does not have adequate parking at times even if you use the pub Carpark - more local people would cause parking issues.
Local amenities can't take the increase:-
Schools - does Sharmans Cross Junior School have the capacity to take more children (adding to more traffic as children don't seem to walk). And what of other local schools?
Medical Centres - can they handle the increase.?
Waste Collection: can they handle it?
Arden Club Parking: if the club looses a lot of parking spaces as proposed this will cause more on street parking in roads already busy. Sometimes cars are parked on the side roads on both sides and 'stick out' that emergency vehicles would find it hard to get through. There would be more problems like this.
Transportation: local buses. If the residents from the proposed development don't use their car and take public transport, can the local buses cope? The buses are not that frequent along Sharman's Cross Road in either direction and there is not a covered bus shelter.
Loss of sporting facilities: we need to exercise for health and wellbeing.
Nature and green spaces: are good for us and we need our bats and badgers and trees
If you need clarification on any of my comments please contact me