
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3503

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Vikki Sunner

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Existing high levels of traffic.
Land has been intended for sports and recreational use.
Not sustainable under NPPF.
Schools and medical facilities are already oversubscribed.
Overdevelopment of the site.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I live at Dorchester Road, Solihull and I write to object to the proposed new housing development on Sherman's Cross Road.
I am very shocked that this is even being proposed. I think the area already suffers with too much traffic and this would add to it immensely - in the proposal there aren't enough spaces for the new residents and then also their guests which has to be accounted for. I worry that ground that was always intended for sports and recreational use is being used to build houses which is absolutely ridiculous. There isn't a call for the new development under sustainability as it is further away than the National Planning Policy Framework. The schools and medical facilities in the area are already over subscribed and this new development would have a detrimental affect on these facilities for existing users and the new residents. I think the new development should also be rejected under the grounds of suitability as it will be an over development of the land and the design and appearance also is not in keeping with the area.

I truly hope our voices will be listened to and am happy to be contacted for further information.

Please reject this proposal!!!