
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3504

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Hardeep Sunner

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Overdevelopment of land.
Increase in traffic and pollution. Risk to road safety.
Risk of flooding.
More pressure on oversubscribed schools and medical facilities.
Loss of parking at Arden Club.
Unsustainable distance from other amenities.

Full text:

I want to object to the Proposed Housing Allocation 18 as I feel it is not a good option at all under these grounds

- there will be an increase is traffic and therefore pollution in the area and safety of other road users, pedestrians and cyclists will be put at risk
- the risk of flooding due to the overdevelopment of the land
- the size of the development is too big, it is not suitable for the area
- local schools will be put under more pressure from over subscription
- medical facilities are also oversubscribed and will have to stretch even further causing the service provided to be worse
- parking lost at the Arden Club will increase congestion and put users safety at risk
- it's not sustainable as the development is further away from amenities

I expect my objection to be heard and all the other objects too. I feel very strongly against the Proposed Housing Allocation 18 at Sherman's Cross Road.