
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3506

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Sally Hobday

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of green space for recreation.
Added to loss of Shirley Park as part of Parkgate schmee.
Impact on local community.

Full text:

Allocation 13

Please accept my objection against the plans for allocation 13. I have been a Shirley resident for 20 years and love where we live. I love to walk my dog with my family and friends in those lovely green fields. We were saddened that we lost part of our park to the Parkgate scheme, so please, please don't let Shirley lose more! Shirley will suffer if all those houses are built and won't be the same great place to live. I honestly hope and pray that someone sees sense and saves our green land.

Many thanks for taking the time to read my objection.