
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3524

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Graham Gilbert

Representation Summary:

Site 4 Objection.

Agree more houses are required in Solihull.
Agree with Green Belt Review due to lack of brownfield sites.
Concerned with loss of sports pitches at Site 4.
Grounds are very well-used.
Consider current football pitches are kept and upgraded if necessary, and Green Belt released elsewhere.

Full text:

I write with reference to your published draft local plan review.

I agree that more houses are required in the Solihull area and that a Green Belt review is required due to a lack of brownfield sites.

My only concern with the current proposals is in relation to the loss of sports pitches to the west of Dickens Heath. I currently manage an under 10 team at Leafield where we are fortunate to have 5 teams at this age group and numerous other teams through from under 7 up to under 16 and there is a lot of current demand for the current sporting facilities. You also have to bear in mind that Wychall FC and Highgate United also have numerous teams currently using these facilities.

Clearly the pitches are extremely busy, and it strikes me as perverse that you are seeking to add to the local population yet are aiming to achieve this by removing well utilised sporting facilities which will be in greater demand in the future.

I would ask that the current football pitches are kept and upgraded if necessary and that greenbelt is released elsewhere.

Yours faithfully