
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3531

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Debbie Hatfield

Representation Summary:

Site 2 Objection.

Need to look at brownfield sites, not Green Belt.
Recent Government While Paper stated that Green Belt should be protected.
Need to protect Meriden Gap.
Appreciate we have a housing shortfall. Council should seek to develop sites that current residents are happy with.
Will add to construction traffic from HS2.
Lack of sufficient school places and public transport.

Full text:

Draft Local Plan - Balsall Common
As a very concerned resident, I am asking you to look again at the housing developments proposed for this area.

We need to look at brownfield sites for new homes, not the green belt sites which have been put forward. As detailed in the recent Government white paper, green belt land should be protected.

We need to protect the Meriden gap and the countryside for future generations. I do appreciate that we have a housing shortfall, but surely we can allocate sites which current residents are happy with not just greedy landowners, who do not have a vested interest in the area they develop.

We are already facing a huge amount of construction traffic with HS2 and at present, we do not have anywhere near the required facilities or infrastructure such as school places and public transport.

Another option for Solihull is to look at developing a completely new area, perhaps similar to Dicken's Heath which is a lovely village development. Surely, this would provide affordable housing for young and old to meet the requirements.