
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3534

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr D Everitt

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Retain and enhance existing amenity fields and Green Corridor to the bridleway, with access to Bills Lane, the Canal and countryside beyond.
No secondary vehicle access roads via the Woodlands or Badgers Residential Estates.
Seek a faire distribution of housing across the Borough (not 2550 in South of Shirley area).
Should retain a wider Green Belt buffer between South Shirley and built area of Dickens Heath.
Loss of Urbs in Rure motto.

Full text:

I would like to draw your attention to our comments regarding the Local Plan Review.
The current Local Plan and the number of houses required was based on population growth partly fuelled by immigration which under Brexit should no longer occur and therefore is flawed. Until new information on the likely future housing requirements post Brexit is obtained these plans should be put on hold.

I also agree with the concerns of the Shirley Residents Association in that:

To retain and enhance the existing amenity fields and the Green Corridor to the Bridleway, with access to Bills Lane, the Canal and the Countryside beyond.

There to be no secondary vehicle access roads via the Woodlands or Badgers Residential Estates.

We object to the concentration of 2550 homes in such close proximity to the South Shirley Area and seek a fairer distribution across the Borough.

That there should be retention of a wider Green Belt between South Shirley and the built area of Dickens Heath.

We have been residents of Shirley for over 35 years and moved here partly attracted by the motto of Urbs in Rure. It would appear that shortly the motto will have to be abandoned as there will be plenty of Urbs but very little Rure