
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3535

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs L J Bull

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 18.

Overcrowding of houses. Will destroy local character.
Affordable housing will be more than 2 storeys in height; resulting in loss of light, privacy and overshadowing.
School and medical centre already oversubscribed.
Sharmans Cross Road has flooding issues.
Increase in traffic, pollution.
Impact on highway safety, danger to pedestrians, cyclists.
Parking issues.
Permanent loss of sporting facilities.
Loss of TPOs.
Harm to wildlife.
Further parking issues if Solihull Arden Club remains.
Previous application been refused for some of above reasons.
Should be removed from allocations.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I am writing to object to the proposed application as above for the following reasons:
1, Over crowding of houses, 100 house on that site will destroy the character of the neighbourhood as the houses will have to be build close together and small. If affordable housing is to be provided, then you have the problem of more the two stories in height, leading to loss of light, ,loss of privacy and overshadowing.
2 School and Medical centres. These are all oversubscribed already and this development will just put more pressure on them.
3 flooding. Sharmans Cross road is known for its flooding in heavy rain, the development will worsen this problem.
4 To go with point no 3 increase in traffic and associated pollution, the road is already a bad road especially as there is a school, so it will have a serious effect on highway safety, danger to pedestrians, Children, cyclists and all round parking for the amentities.
5 Permanent loss of sporting facilities. We should be getting our children and ourselves more active and I know it is one of the councils biggest campaigns, so why are you taking away areas that can be used for sports events to build houses that will just cause more problems.
6 Environmental: you will have to cut down trees which have tree preservation orders, which in turn will destroy the wildlife. We have badgers and bats.
7 Parking at Solihull Arden Club, loss of parking at the club would have a massive in packed. If people can't park they will not come and you have people that run there own business from the club. Like running there own class. So this will take from local business, which you should be trying to help.
8 One previous application for this site has been refused and another withdrawn for some of the reasons above.
As a result, the proposed development should be refused.