
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3548

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Robert & Doreen Warnock

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Understand Government have set targets.
Excessive amount of development in one area.
Will schools and doctor surgeries be expanded or new ones built to meet increased demand?
Solihull hospital been downgraded, will be inadequate to meet new demand.
Local roads only 'B' class.
Existing congestion. What measures are planned to ease traffic flow?
Many prime building plots been allocated for 'Senior living'. Could have gone for family homes.

Full text:

We wish to register our concern about the proposed building development in this area.
We have lived at this address for 40 years and have seen many changes in that time.
We understand that the Government have set targets, but the number of houses seems excessive in this one area.
Will new schools be built or can existing schools be developed (without the use of portakabins) to meet increased demand?
Will new doctor's surgeries be implemented/built to meet increased needs?
Solihull Hospital has been downgraded to such an extent that it is going to be inadequate to meet increased needs of a vastly greater population in the area.
Nationally, hospitals are at breaking point.
Roads in this proposed development area are only 'B' roads and the traffic is already heavy, getting out at junctions can take some time.
If thousands more cars are added to already congested roads, what measures are planned to ease traffic flow in the area?
A lot of prime building plots have been allocated to 'Senior' living, when they could have been better used for Family housing.
We ask you to consider all these points when final decisions are taken.