
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3551

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Peter & Eunice Simpson

Representation Summary:

Site 4 Objection.

Loss of Green Belt. Erosion of gap with Bromsgrove.
High levels of existing congestion.
Local roads used as rat runs, e.g. Drawbridge Road.
Railway station carparks full at 8am.
Existing traffic from Dickens Heath is already a problem.

Full text:

We would like to register our objections to the above plan - we have been told that Solihull is planning to extend Dickens Heath to the Bromsgrove border - the railway line - eroding the Green Belt completely.
We object very strongly to this plan due to the congestion on the roads in the surrounding areas. We live on Drawbridge road which is a short cut from Wythall/Tidbury Green and Dickens Heath to Shirley - the traffic is enormous at peak times already. My daughter uses either Shirley or Whitlock's End station but sometimes has to park on our drive as the car parks are completely full at 8 am. Have you got any plans to extend these railway station car parks because it is already impossible to get a parking space during the week? Also trying to access the stations, especially Whitlock's End, at peak times is impossible with the amount of traffic in both directions. There is enough extra traffic already from Dickens Heath which causes major problems in the area.
We hope you will seriously reconsider this plan to extend Dickens Heath.