
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3557

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: John & Linda Cawley

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of Green Belt.
Appreciate need for new housing.
Dickens Heath not worked.
Local amenities under pressure.
Existing infrastructure will not be able to cope, e.g. schools, hospitals, doctor surgeries, drainage sewers.
Massive increase in traffic.
Associated noise and air pollution.
Planning gain from development needs to be shared.
Affordable housing is important for younger generation.
Need to adhere to 1947 Planning Act.

Full text:

Development on Green Belt SHIRLEY SOLIHULL
We appreciate that new housing is required but the numbers of dwellings are staggering, the density of new houses is so important, get it wrong and the project will be a disaster. Dickens Heath has certainly got it wrong. The architects and the Planners didn't get it all right!

We also know that the local amenities are under pressure right now. Being a resident in Bills Lane for 30 years we have noticed a massive increase in traffic, which affects air quality with airborne carcegenic particulates being present - one of the most dangerous pollutants. You must also consider Noise Pollution and the danger to local residents and animals regarding traffic numbers.

The existing infra structure will not be able to cope with such an increase in housing. Schools, hospitals, doctors surgeries will all be affected.

Drainage sewers will not be able to deal with the large number of new houses, water treatment plants are already at full capacity.

When house design is being considered developers have only as their priority - one thing PROFIT, it is important to make sure that the developers are not the only winners as they will not be around tomorrow.

It is essential to make sure an adequate number of affordable homes are built and some must be designated for the younger generation.

The 1947 Planning Act is of significance and the document was and still is a major landmark - the main principal part of the Act should be adhered to whenever possible.