
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3563

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Denise Hackworth

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 4.

Disproportionate amount of development in Blythe Ward.
Great deal of housing 'patched' onto existing settlements.
Roads already full with traffic.
Scores 7-8 in Green Belt assessment, many other sites not as high.
Protects Dickens Heath from urban sprawl and contains village.
Existing boundary is natural one for Dickens Heath.
Site 4 would not provide easy access to village amenities, therefore more traffic.
Most homes have 2 cars, not everyone works in Birmingham, and most people would head to M42.
Facilities in Dickens Heath cannot cope with further housing.
Village will lose its identity.

Full text:

Firstly can I please say how difficult the process of forwarding a response on the above plan has proved to be. I am certain that most people will have given up trying to use the online portal and the complexity of all the items which have been included in the draft, far too many items for us all to digest and give appropriate responses to.

However, in my case I would like to address the possibility of the release of green belt land to the west of Dickens Heath, Site No 4, but would also add that some of my comments apply to the whole of the proposed developments within Blythe ward.

Whilst I am aware that Solihull Council are looking for sites for some 15,000+ houses, it would appear that a great deal of this housing is being 'patched' onto existing settlements, what I do not understand is why when roads throughout Solihull are full to bursting with traffic, do we not look to create a new village with all the infrastructure, close to or with good roads to access motorway. If this was built somewhere along the M42 - whilst I appreciate it would most likely have to come from greenbelt, at least there would not be such significant impact on existing roads and factilities. Also with sufficient space for extending this new village should the future require even further housing. When you look at how much countryside/greenbelt in large swathes we have within this borough, surely a stand alone village is the way to move forward. I am sure most people would rather a new village than continual erosion of the greenbelt that protects our villages and their character.

If this is option is not viable then surely any further housing should have direct access to Motorway or main/major arterial roads, in order to eliminate further congestion on our minor roads.

The site which has my most concern is No 4, west of Dickens Heath - Birchy Leasowes, Tileshouse Lane, Tythebarn Lane with the possibility of 700+ houses. Firstly this site which has scored a high 7-8 in greenbelt analysis, does not fall into the exceptional circumstances as directed by the government for releasing from greenbelt, you have had many other sites offered for development of which do not have 7-8 greenbelt rating. This site protects the urban sprawl from Whitlocks End, Tidbury Green and Shirley and is the natural boundary for Dickens Heath, it should be protected. Any development of this site would mean further strain on the existing gridlock around Dickens Heath, and also would not provide easy access to the Dickens Heath amenities, so residents would have to drive to the library, school, shops etc. Although I appreciate there is some assumption that most of the residents would use the train????????? most homes now have 2 cars and not everyone works in Birmingham, infact most people I know actually head for the M42, which is the other way.

Dickens Heath as a village cannot sustain any further development, our facilities cannot cope at present, so a further 700 houses is unbeleivable, particularly this site as it does not have any direct access to major arterial roads, and the roads surrounding the site cannot cope at present.

Dickens Heath will completely lose its identity and become an urban sprawl, which is against the guidelines which the government states.

Notwithstanding the fact that Blythe ward is being made to take a disproportionate amount of housing.

Lastly, as a resident of Dickens Heath, site No 4 was given greenbelt status in order to protect the 'new village' how can you therefore substantiate releasing it for development?