
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3588

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Wells

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of green space for recreation and children's play. No other green spaces within 0.5 mile of Bills Lane.
Loss of community asset.
Loss of Green Belt.
Loss of wildlife.
Detrimental to visual amenity.
Exacerbate existing congestion on local roads.
Schools, doctors and hospitals oversubscribed.
41% of new development within close proximity; not enough other areas have been considered or proposed.

Full text:

Thank you for your recent correspondent regarding the proposed planning for Allocation 13 off Bills Lane.
We would like to strongly object to the current plans for the following reasons:

1. There is no other green space within walkable distance (1/2 mile) for our children to play outside and enjoy green belt.
2. The current green space is the habitat of bats, newts, owls and many other important wildlife.
3. The green space is very attractive and the development would have a detrimental visual impact on the area.
4. It's Part of the community. I and many other dog walkers currently enjoy meeting and socialising in a local green outdoor, safe space. If this was removed there would be no other comparable alternative in the area.
5. Current overcrowding. There is already significant overcrowding during rush hour on the roads surrounding the whole area. Dickens Heath up to the miller and Carter. Bills lane leading up to the Tanworth lane and Shakespeare drive. Through majors green leading to Norton Lane, which is already having another development site built. The A435 leading up to the M42 junction 3 motorway island.
6. The schools, doctors and hospitals are all already over prescribed.
7. 41% of the development are proposed within close proximity to each other and not enough other areas has either been considered or proposed.