
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3602

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Guy Turley

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as density is much greater than surroundings so unsuitable/out of character with area, smaller development rejected previously setting precedent for not developing site, will exacerbate traffic congestion and danger to pedestrians and cyclists on already busy roads suffering severe congestion at peak times, will cause parking problems on Sharmans Cross Road from additional cars and loss of parking to Arden club, well established green space with mature trees and wildlife should be maintained, and will put extra pressure on already oversubscribed schools and medical services.

Full text:

Re: Objection to LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
With reference to the LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18, I would like to state my objections to the proposed scheme, as follows:

1. Suitability: The proposed development of 100 houses is a density of 5 times that of surrounding roads and therefore totally unsuitable and out of character for the area.
It is also more homes than was proposed by the same developer 6 years ago, a scheme rejected by the council. Therefore a precedent for not approving the new proposal.
To achieve the density of properties, it would be inevitable the homes would be multiple stories which again is out of character with the area.

2. Traffic Congestion: The proposed 100 homes would lead to increased traffic and congestion on what are already very busy surrounding roads. Sharmans Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road already suffer sever congestion during peak periods and this would only increase should the proposal go ahead.
The increased traffic would pose a danger to pedestrians and cyclists.
3. Parking: The high density of housing and associated cars would lead to parking issues. If there are there insufficient parking spaces in the proposal, the extra cars would be parking on Sharmans Cross Road, causing a hazard and danger to road users and pedestrians.
The proposal means the Solihull Arden Tennis Club could lose 75 parking spaces which would also increase congestion and parking problems.

4. Environment: The area is a well-established green space with many mature trees and areas of wildlife, including bats and badgers. I regularly see bats flying around my garden. Solihull is proud of its green spaces and this should be maintained.

5. Schools and Medical Facilities: this proposal would have an impact on local schools which are already over sub-scribed and medical services. Solihull Hospital no longer has a full A&E department, these extra houses would put even more pressure on local services.
In conclusion, I believe the proposed development is wrong for this site.