
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3605

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Michael Nutt

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as involves overdevelopment that will remove much needed sports/recreational facilities, destroy wildlife habitats and be detrimental to surrounding residents from increase in traffic in already congested area with gridlock at Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road junction at peak times, additional highway safety problems and overburdened local amenities.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation - 18

I strongly OBJECT to the proposals to build 100 properties on the Rugby Club Grounds in Sharmans Cross Road.

This is overdevelopment will take away much needed sports and recreational facilities, destroy natural habitats and be detrimental to all of the residents in the surrounding areas.

The additional traffic will be immense and cause mayhem to an already out of hand traffic problem particularly at Peak Periods.
As a regular user of Streetsbrook Road and Sharmans Cross Road I can assure you that the junction between the two roads is already GRIDLOCKED for at least three hours a day. Any additional traffic will make a serious situation worse and create additional safety problems.

Overburdened Local amenities will struggle to cope with an influx of such a large number of families