
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3614

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Kalpesh Thakrar

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will overburden schools and medical services, will exacerbate traffic volumes and road safety issues on already very busy roads, especially at peak times, development will be out of character with area, and will result in loss of valuable green space and sports facilities.

Full text:

Objection against housing development on Sharmans Cross Road
I am highly disappointed to learn of the proposed development of 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road. As a resident of Sharmans Cross road, I am very concerned of the impact that such a development will have on the area. There is already a significant burden on the local area, in regards to school availability, access to GP services and healthcare which we experience first hand already. Another issue is the potential increase in traffic volume, Sharmans Cross road is already a very busy road, all you need to do is stand on here at multiple times of day and see the impact of the traffic especially at peak hours and the parking nightmare during school pick up and drop off. I hate to imagine what it will be like when there are another 100 properties with the potential of an additional 100-300 cars and the impact this will have on the road espeacially from a safety aspect.

Solihull is known for its character, something that we are already losing in the in the town centre. I appreciate the need of new developments such as the doubling of touchwood but I do not agree with destroying this history and heritage of the town. The same will happen with the new development as I highly doubt that any property developer will build properties that are in character with the rest of the neighbourhood as it would not be very cost efficient.

I can confirm that all 3 adult members of the adult household are against this development and hopefully the planning department at SMBC will agree that building over our valuable green land and sporting facilities will only be detrimental to our borough and the people that already live here.