
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3615

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Neil Jones

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as density too high and will create parking problems exacerbated if Arden club lose parking spaces and cause chaos on Sharmans Cross and adjacent roads already overburdened at peak times, will diminish local services through extra pressure on schools and medical services, development is out of character with area, will worsen drainage/flooding problems, destroy wildlife, and result in loss of valuable sports facilities which have been and should continue to be protected for recreation.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am objecting to the above planning application on the following grounds

1. To build 100 houses on this piece of land would result in no end of problems - primarily caused by the sheer over density. There would be minimal land on which to park the numerous vehicles which such development would bring. This shortage of parking would be exacerbated and can only worsen if Solihull Arden Club were to lose car parking spaces. This would inevitably bring more chaos on Sharmans Cross Road, possibly causing overflowing cars to be parked on Sharmans Cross or indeed the side roads off causing more congestion and hazards to all users of the roads in the area. This area is always over burdened at peak times.

2. Sharmans Cross School is already having to make class sizes bigger because of the rise in the number of children and this presumably takes no account of future children which would need to be schooled from the new housing. Doubtless the same strain would apply to local medical centres which are already struggling. Local services would inevitably be diminished.

3. The development would be high density housing which is utterly out of character with the surrounding area. Constructing so many properties in such a small area will do nothing to alleviate the localised flooding of Sharmans Cross Road. Concreting over land in such a manner has to have a detrimental effect on local drainage, as we know from the concreting of our drives! Where will all the drainage be channelled? It will destroy the wildlife which has been preserved in the surrounding protected woodland, the inhabitants of which have enjoyed the benefit of the open land for foraging etc.

4. I understand that the land has been carefully protected over the years for use of recreation/sporting activities. Land earmarked for sporting facilities should be protected and used for such purposes - not high density housing. We owe this to our children and grandchildren.