
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3626

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs A Hawkes

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as land should be retained for sporting use in line with existing policy, development will increase traffic, pollution and danger to pedestrians, especially school children and users of Arden club, existing schools, shopping and other amenities already fully subscribed, will result in permanent loss of sports facilities a number of which are at risk from proposals in the Draft Local Plan when it should be a priority to retain or improve provision for young people, and involves unacceptable overdevelopment.

Full text:

LDP proposed Housing Allocation 18

I strongly object to the planning of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans cross Rd.
I object on these issues
Use of land - should be for sporting/recreation purpose. SMBC has formally minuted in 2013 its policy regards the use of the land for sport and that the freehold would not be sold.

Increase in traffic
Danger to pedestrians-especially school children attending Sharmans cross Jnr, who also are regular users of Arden club.
Scription of local amenities i.e. Infant and junior schooling and the local shopping parade on Prospect Lane(which is always busy with limited parking.
Permanent loss of sports facilities - this is one of five sports grounds at risk in LDP and should be a priorit y to keep or even improve for our younger generation.