
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3627

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: John Bishop

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 due to increased traffic volumes, loss of recreational space when site is ideal opportunity for a community facility/sports club, larger development than that previously rejected, additional strain on local healthcare and amenities, and increased congestion and safety issues for pedestrians and schoolchildren from additional parking by new occupiers.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I feel I must raise my concerns over the proposed development on the old grounds of what was Solihull Rugby club. There are main reasons that I object to the proposed development and they are as follows:

* Increased traffic volumes - the amount of traffic around Solihull is now beyond belief, what with commuters & school runs etc - it can actually be quicker to walk into Solihull but unfortunately people don't.
* The loss of more recreational space - this space would have been an ideal opportunity for a community / sports area.
* Amount of proposed housing - why when proposals for less homes was previously rejected has the number of proposed homes now increased to a hundred the strain on local healthcare & amenities is already great.
* Parking Increases & Potential Safety Risks - on Sharmans Cross road is already causing congestion so a massive increase in the number of vehicles that this development will obviously lead to will only increase congestion. All this will lead to potential safety issues for pedestrians & school children.

There are other concerns that I could raise but ultimately I have genuine concerns over this development & its impact on the neighbourhood.